Simplifying BAS Preparation and Lodgement: Tips for Small Businesses


Business Activity Statements (BAS) are essential for Australian businesses, as they report GST and other tax obligations to the ATO. However, BAS preparation and lodgement can be complex and time-consuming. In this post, we’ll provide tips to simplify the BAS process and show how Ryno Bookkeeping can assist your business.

Explanation of BAS and Its Importance

BAS is a tax report submitted to the ATO, detailing GST, PAYG, and other tax obligations. Accurate BAS preparation ensures compliance with tax laws and helps avoid penalties.

Common Issues Faced During BAS Preparation and Lodgement

  1. Errors in Calculations: Mistakes in GST calculations can lead to incorrect BAS lodgement.
  2. Missing Deadlines: Failing to lodge BAS on time can result in fines and interest charges.
  3. Lack of Knowledge: Understanding tax obligations and BAS requirements can be challenging for small business owners.
  4. Record Keeping: Maintaining accurate and organized records is crucial for BAS preparation.

Tips for Simplifying the BAS Process

  • Stay Organized: Keep all financial records, invoices, and receipts organized and up-to-date.
  • Use Accounting Software: Utilize tools like Xero to streamline GST calculations and BAS reporting.
  • Set Reminders: Mark BAS lodgement deadlines on your calendar and set reminders to avoid late submissions.
  • Seek Professional Help: Consider hiring a professional bookkeeper to manage BAS preparation and lodgement.

How Ryno Bookkeeping Can Assist with BAS Preparation and Lodgement

At Ryno Bookkeeping, we specialize in BAS preparation and lodgement. Led by registered BAS Agent Emma Ryan, our team ensures your BAS is accurate, compliant, and submitted on time. We provide comprehensive bookkeeping services to keep your financial records in order, making the BAS process stress-free.


Simplifying BAS preparation and lodgement is crucial for small business compliance and financial stability. By following these tips and seeking professional assistance, you can ensure accurate and timely BAS submissions. Contact Ryno Bookkeeping today to learn how we can help your business stay compliant and stress-free.

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